Thursday, November 23, 2006

Halloween Spirit Orb

How appropriate, a spirit visiting on Halloween! Yes I know we look silly in our orange shirts. . . we're a pumpkin patch. Yes the dressing up for Halloween when you dont want to dress up!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Followed by Spirit at Niagara Falls

It seems Spirit Orbs accompanied us to Niagara Falls on the weekend. In the first photo it almost looks like a moon in the centre top. Harry Potter at Louis Tussaud's Wax Museum has a little visitor right at his heart. And Warren has one just above his butt (not a very wise Spirit) and Michelle Pfeiffer has one just outside her ear. And finally the elephants at the Rainforest Cafe had a couple of Spirit Orbs around them.
All day I was getting references to my Grandmother. First there was a clock that was just like hers, secondly was the ceiling at the hotel was just like hers. Then at the Rainforest Cafe an older lady was having a birthday and the staff made a big deal about it - she was very excited about it but more excited about the cake to follow (which for those of you who know my family - is a family trait and just to give those who dont know my family an idea - my Grandmother couldn't decide which dessert to have at my step-sisters wedding - so she had a piece of everything!) My mum told me that my Grandmother had indeed visited Niagara Falls and that it was very special to her and she loved them as much as I did. So Warren, me & Nanny visited Niagara Falls on the weekend.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Spirit Orbs go to the Fair

They seem to hang out in the big shed type things. But none more prevalent than with the cows.

Nature Spirits

When we went hiking at Grundy's Lake we walked into this one little patch that had a really yucky energy. This is the spot with all the Spirit Orbs. I was overcome and felt sick & dizzy. I sent healing after we walked out of that little section & I felt better. For those sceptics noticing the fact that it was raining and think that the blobs are rain drops. It's a reasonable theory except for how bright the Orbs are. There was no light that day as it was very overcast and dark - so why would the spots be so bright? And why are the blobs in different places if the water was on the lens? These photos were taken within seconds of each other.

Visitors at home

Here's a little visitor on the bed covers. It's not a stain on the cover. I think he was checking me out. . . .or doing the ironing, one of the two!

St Joseph's Cathedral

Lots of Spirit around here. St Joseph's has an amazing presence both physically and spiritually. It stands out in the landscape of Montreal. When you walk in to the prayer area - the energy is incredible. It overwhelmed me & I started crying but in a positive way. Fortunately Sabine was overcome in the same way so I didnt look like a complete fool. . . .well I may have but I had company.

More hotel Orbs

This was in Sherbrooke. It just looks like a place that would have spirit.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Family Get Together

Here's our whole family together for the first time in a long while. Even my Grandmother "Honey" jumped in to the photo above Warren's head.

Orbs with Koalas

Here's Warren & his little Koala buddy. Notice the Spirit Orb on the Koala's left shoulder. I wonder if they're wtching over the animals?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Spirit Orbs on Sydney Harbour

This is the most Orbs I've ever seen in the one place. Sydney Harbour seems it's harbouring more than boats & water. I notice that Spirit Orbs do tend to gravitate towards some places like basements, caves, theatres & now harbours!

Very intriguing & I have no explanation as to why they would be so prevalent around this area. But the closer we were the the Harbour Bridge, the more Spirit Orbs there were. Its also close to the centre of Sydney.

Marshmallow loving spirit orbs

This is my sister's house in Sydney. It was on my great Aunt Betty's birthday & I believe Aunty Betty & her sister (my grnadmother) were toasting marshmallows with me & my nephew.

My sister's house has had many paranormal experiences including footsteps in the hallway, a toy guitar suddenly being played in the cupboard in the middle of the night and other such things. My brother-in-law's sister died many years ago & more recently his young cousin died of cancer. I believe they are all alive & well in the spirit world & taking great care of my nephew, Damian. I also believe my nephew is quite pyschic & prone to paranormal experiences.

One day he drew a picture of a rainbow on a truck. A few days later a truck parked outside with a rainbow logo on the door. One day he floored me by saying that "Love is the most important thing in the world." It took me 35 years to figure that out!

Cave Spirit Orbs

These caves are in Australia and had many Spirit Orbs. They seemed to like caves but also I got a strong sense of old wise aboriginal people. I think these places are quite sacred & I did feel that these Orbs may be protecting the beautiful National Parks. The first photo is in Sprongbrook Queensland & the second in Berowra Sydney.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Moving photos

This is my bedside table with a photo attached to the picture frame. The night before the photo was on the bedside table like the other ones you see there. The picture is of my favourite Mother Teresa poem (see below) about forgiveness. Somehow the photo ended up facing backwards on the picture even though the picture is vertical.

The next day I felt a presence in my apartment. It didnt feel like the usual happy spirits I get here sometimes. So I did a cleansing, but the next morning (Friday) I saw a dark figure cross at the end of my bed. I dont usually see Spirit, only in my minds eye or a swish past the corner of my eye but this was more definite. When I got to work my colleague Jean-Francois told me that the day before his friend had committed suicide. When I heard that I thought it was my dark shadowy unhappy visitor. So I sent some healing and will do more over the weekend and hope that he feels a bit better soon.

The Mother Teresa poem is:
People are often unreasonable, illogical & self centred, forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives, be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win false friends and true enemies, succeed anyway.
If you are honest & frank people may cheat you, be honest & frank anyway.
What you spend years building someone may destroy overnight, build anyway
If you find serenity & happiness, they may be jealous, be happy anyway.
The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow, do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough, give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you & God, it was never between you & them anyway.

God shines on the Church

This photo is taken from our Hotel room in Ottawa on Easter Sunday. There are Spirit Orbs around the church as well. But it really does look as though God was shining down from heaven in the form of the suns rays. Its one of the coolest photos I have.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bear Orbs

There's an Orb on this Bear's shoulder. I find that many Orbs hang around shops & basements. There must be something about the energy there that attracts them. Maybe its because many people's energy passes through shops but it doesnt explain basements.

More Basement Orbs

There are two Orbs here on Warren's Aunt's breast. The weird thing is that she had breast cancer, as did her mother. We believe "mom" was at the party too.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Buildings with Orbs

Above the chair & above the sofa are 2 distinct orbs. This was at Quebec City. I find hotel rooms usually have Spirit Orbs. Maybe they're previous tenants who visited the hotel in life & death. Maybe its just the fact that many people's energy flows through the room so it attracts spirit?

The other photo - this bright spark is very visible. I was in National Park at Mont Royal in the centre of Montreal. This old stone building is common architecture in Montreal & I find in most basements Spirit Orbs are plenty. But this time it was just one very bright spark. I have a lot going on in my life right now. I wonder if its a friend of mine coming to help.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Niagara Falls Moose

Me, a few Spirit Orbs & a Moose at Niagara Falls. Well I am in Canada!

My mum wanted a photo of me with a Moose. This is the closest I have come. It was also on my Grandmother's birthday. I wonder if that's her Orb above my head.

Warren's House

Spirit Orbs at my boyfriend Warren's house

Warren has his grandfather's chair in his bedroom which is upstairs. There are 2 Orbs near the upstairs windows. Maybe his granparents are visiting? This is a brand new estate so it cant be previous residents. The only thing I dont know is what was on the land before they built the estate. But I can see at least 3 orbs in this photo.

Basement Orbs

Spirt Orbs hang out in Basements quite a bit. I guess it's close to the earth in some way? Other than that I cant find another explanation. I also wonder if animals become spirit orbs too?

After the Hockey - they love basements Posted by Picasa

My first apartment in Canada

Well I guess someone was looking out for me when I first arrived in Canada from Australia. Although I did most of my meditations in that spot on the bed so it could also have been a guide.
Orb above my bed when I first got to Canada Posted by Picasa

Orbs at the Train Station

Orbs must like travelling by train too. This is quite a big Orb. I dont know why some are big & bright & others are smaller & more translucent.
Orbs at the train station with me Posted by Picasa

In the car in Ontario

I treid to take a photo of the snow outside on my first trip to Ontario but took a whole lot of Spirit Orbs instead. This was the trip where I met my boyfriend Warren. Not sure if the Orbs were there for support or if it was because I was in a taxi where many people had been before me.

Posted by Picasa

Orbs in Quebec City

This was my first trip to Quebec City. I love this city, it has 4 times the snow that Montreal has & its very pretty. This funky hotel room was a renovated , modern looking thing with a few "old" souls visiting. Not sure if I brought them with me. There were some in the bathroom as well. Hotel rooms have many people's energy. I never rest properly in a hotel room. Its almost as bad as hospitals.

The Orb's go travelling with me to Quebec City on the window Posted by Picasa

Bedroom Orbs

A couple of Orbs in the bedroom Posted by Picasa
There's a big Orb over my pillow and one by the window. There's another in the right hadn bottom corner. The bed I have is my friend Melanie's grandmother's mattress who died a few weeks earlier. I sent her healing and thanked her for the bed. I feel she's watching over me sometimes.

Loungeroom Orbs

A lounge, a coffee cup, a bag & an Orb in my living room Posted by Picasa

Pool playing Orbs

This is in my friend Melanie's house. There are only Orbs in the basement. Melanie said this is the only part of the house she hadnt renovated after buying the house of her family.

Me, the kid & the Orb's playing pool. They seem to love basements Posted by Picasa