Sunday, March 26, 2006

Niagara Falls Moose

Me, a few Spirit Orbs & a Moose at Niagara Falls. Well I am in Canada!

My mum wanted a photo of me with a Moose. This is the closest I have come. It was also on my Grandmother's birthday. I wonder if that's her Orb above my head.

Warren's House

Spirit Orbs at my boyfriend Warren's house

Warren has his grandfather's chair in his bedroom which is upstairs. There are 2 Orbs near the upstairs windows. Maybe his granparents are visiting? This is a brand new estate so it cant be previous residents. The only thing I dont know is what was on the land before they built the estate. But I can see at least 3 orbs in this photo.

Basement Orbs

Spirt Orbs hang out in Basements quite a bit. I guess it's close to the earth in some way? Other than that I cant find another explanation. I also wonder if animals become spirit orbs too?

After the Hockey - they love basements Posted by Picasa

My first apartment in Canada

Well I guess someone was looking out for me when I first arrived in Canada from Australia. Although I did most of my meditations in that spot on the bed so it could also have been a guide.
Orb above my bed when I first got to Canada Posted by Picasa

Orbs at the Train Station

Orbs must like travelling by train too. This is quite a big Orb. I dont know why some are big & bright & others are smaller & more translucent.
Orbs at the train station with me Posted by Picasa

In the car in Ontario

I treid to take a photo of the snow outside on my first trip to Ontario but took a whole lot of Spirit Orbs instead. This was the trip where I met my boyfriend Warren. Not sure if the Orbs were there for support or if it was because I was in a taxi where many people had been before me.

Posted by Picasa

Orbs in Quebec City

This was my first trip to Quebec City. I love this city, it has 4 times the snow that Montreal has & its very pretty. This funky hotel room was a renovated , modern looking thing with a few "old" souls visiting. Not sure if I brought them with me. There were some in the bathroom as well. Hotel rooms have many people's energy. I never rest properly in a hotel room. Its almost as bad as hospitals.

The Orb's go travelling with me to Quebec City on the window Posted by Picasa

Bedroom Orbs

A couple of Orbs in the bedroom Posted by Picasa
There's a big Orb over my pillow and one by the window. There's another in the right hadn bottom corner. The bed I have is my friend Melanie's grandmother's mattress who died a few weeks earlier. I sent her healing and thanked her for the bed. I feel she's watching over me sometimes.

Loungeroom Orbs

A lounge, a coffee cup, a bag & an Orb in my living room Posted by Picasa

Pool playing Orbs

This is in my friend Melanie's house. There are only Orbs in the basement. Melanie said this is the only part of the house she hadnt renovated after buying the house of her family.

Me, the kid & the Orb's playing pool. They seem to love basements Posted by Picasa

Orbs at work

An Orb at work beside Jean-Francois Posted by Picasa

There are some Orbs on the glass under the Xmas decorations outside our office & one next to Jean-Francois. Sabine is my friend who I sit next to & her, me & Jean-Francois have become a bit of a 3 musketeers. Its nice to know Orbs are around us at work but I'm not sure they're anything to do with me.

New Year's Eve Orbs

Orb's at New Years Eve on me Posted by Picasa

Xmas Orbs

Not sure if this is an Orb or dust on the right Posted by Picasa

A couple of Orbs around Anita. One big one to the right, one on her throat Posted by Picasa

Orbs & Kanuks

Me and my little Orb when I first arrived in Canada Posted by Picasa
I had just bought a Kanuk coat to cope with a Montreal winter. Obviously the Orb approves.

More Orbs at the Hockey.

When I went to my first Hockey game it was very special as they were inducting Bernard Geoffrion into the Hall of Fame. What made it more special was that Geoffrion had died that morning. He wanted to be there for the ceremony & I believe he was. This bright Orb over the tv screen was right over Geffrion's son who was giving a speech.

More Orbs at the Hockey. Geoffrion's son Posted by Picasa

Orb's at the Hockey In Montreal Posted by Picasa

About this site

Here's the first picture I took with my new digital camera that had Spirit Orbs in it. Since then I did notice that many of my pictures had these spirit visitors. So I have decided to make this website dedicated to all my spirit orb photos seeing as I have so many.

I really would like to know more about these orbs & why they appear, and why sometimes they dont.

Please feel free to view my other blogspot This site is dedicated to my recent move from Australia to Canada and all the trials & tribulations that go along with it.